The base sets for the leveling system are suitable for everyone, it does not matter whether you are a professional, DIYer or layman. With the base sets, laying is made easy and with little effort you can quickly achieve a perfect result. Whether large-format tiles or small, you can lay any tiles without excesses and disturbing edges. From our own experience we can say that the application is very fast, uncomplicated and easy to handle after a short habituation phase. Ultimately, they will be more than convinced of the perfect result. Through the Basic Set it will be even easier for you to achieve the perfect grout and you save time when laying tiles in all sizes.
Suitable for everyone and makes laying tiles easy, cheap and fast. Likewise, one achieves perfect results with which both the customer and oneself are more than Satisfied.
Through the transparent pull hoods of our tile leveling system, you get a view of the thread ash that is inside. Also you see the joint and the tiles whereby you can see everything well and have it under control. The transparent draw hoods additionally protect bright and sensitive tiles from abrasion. Already with a few turns of the pulling hoods all tiles are lifted to the same level. The basic sets are available in different versions. With the help of these designs, you can achieve the best possible result as quickly and precisely as possible, even with large or thick tiles.
The basic set is packed in one of our 5l buckets, among others.
Our packing units are as follows: 25, 30, 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 2500. Likewise, our products are available individually, not in conjunction with a set. These are the advantages of the leveling system:.
There is nothing negative to report about our leveling system, even major critics are enthusiastic and now trust this product. Similarly, frequent concerns that more time is needed in the use of leveling systems and associated tabs and pull hoods is not correct. On the contrary, you save time-consuming Rausheben and re-align the plates. By using leveling system basic sets, you are even a lot faster, more effective as well as much more flexible. As a result, our customers consequently list ease of use, perfect results and satisfied customers and are convinced of the Nivelliersystem Basis-Set.